Eric Saint Georges


Phone: (408) 455-3033


Life Drawing / Figure Sculpture

I watch the model, I feel the tension of her movement in my own body. With my knife I make bold cuts in the block of clay, trying to capture the essence of the pose. I must work fast, to keep the energy flowing...

I draw a few lines, quickly, add a couple of watercolor strokes. I do not think, just keep my focus on the model, enjoying the freedom of my hand moving on the paper.

I want my work to be as spontaneous as possible, to reflect my inner energy rather than being what my mind might think it should look like.

I like to leave the prints of my tools in the clay, to have extra loose lines in my drawings. These are the witnesses of my process and of my experience and a way to connect better with the viewer.


Abstracted figurative sculptures and drawings are the main focus of Eric Saint Georges’ work.

Eric was born in France. In 1978, after having completed his education in Electrical Engineering, a workshop with the sculptor Petrus triggered his passion for sculpture. He then went to study drawing and sculpture for a year at the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts” in Paris, before spending several months with Petrus, from whom he learned the foundation of his clay technique.

However it is only in 2015 that he finally decided, after a 35 year engineering career, to go back to art full time.

In his drawings, he likes to combine charcoal, ink and watercolor, and uses mostly water based clay for his sculptures. These medium allow him to work quickly, his main interest being to capture life and energy in as spontaneous and raw a manner as possible. He works mostly from life, his preference being very short poses. He casts his sculpture in bronze, which is time consuming but very rewarding. Eric also loves to teach figure drawing and sculpture.

Eric lives with his wife in Santa Barbara and is always happy to welcome visitors in his studio.